Bleen - Neosperience


Bleen is the customizable and embeddable search engine that will support your teams in every area, from development to legal to technical, with quick, easy, and accurate access to your company's wealth of information and the most significant external references. A single interface to search and receive automatic updates from all sources, enabling knowledge management, from Corporate Knowledge to Intellectual Property, through a true evolved portal.

Access key information, quickly and easily

Technical requirements, intellectual property, design affinity, and filed patents are among the most emblematic topics of business operations: all of these and more benefit in many ways by the availability of accurate and reliable information and, consequently, by tools that make it quick and easy to search and access specific databases.

Neosperience - Bleen


Bleen is the search engine configured to your business needs

Bleen is the search engine that can speed up your company's operations, not only because it allows you to perform targeted searches and have constant updates, but because it enables you to efficiently organize your company's know-how, aggregating technical and management data that, often, are distributed in different digital containers and therefore difficult to find quickly and accurately.

Bleen is quick to install, integrate to your systems and configure for your use. With an immediate and intuitive interface, you can experiment its advanced features right away, with no need for dedicated training, and conduct targeted searches, selecting between structured and unstructured data, simultaneously, with a single query to the system, and drill down into topics of interest with auto-generated filters relevant to the search in progress.

To make your searches more productive and offer you different modes of fruition, Bleen combines semantic algorithms and Computer Vision to allow you to use verbal or visual queries: the system, based on Artificial Intelligence, will explore databases by recognizing texts, images, technical drawings, diagrams and videos inherent to your search keys.

You will have a powerful search engine integrated with your business systems and applications, and with systems such as Declaro, our design and commercial configurator for building quotes for complex objects, such as industrial machinery or articulated services.


Empathic technology, crafted to boost your business


The research tool that enables fast results

Bleen's features, enhanced by Artificial Intelligence algorithms, will deliver the most useful and concrete benefits to your technical and legal, marketing and design departments all the way to sales and management. The innovative features of this solution are a true ally for your productivity:



With Bleen, you don't need to know where the data is located: you just fill in a search field to instantly access all corporate and external information.



Bleen provides you with lightning-fast response times and effective, innovative paths to analysis and insight into results.



Bleen accesses all enterprise information content and indexes words and phrases in an organized manner, leveraging associative functionality to offer personalized navigation by user, across related and aggregated results.



According to your query, Bleen highlights responsive content and displays built-in attributes (date, size, type, source), providing all the information to evaluate search effectiveness.



Bleen's web interface is designed for immediate, guided use and allows the user to recognize, at a glance, result types and importance based on the business language.



Bleen knows who it is searching for and respects the Corporate Ontology, the dictionary common to the company, allowing the system to distinguish documents based on their meaning.



Bleen groups users into communities and uses everyone's ratings to improve the quality of results, assigning greater value to those relevant to the searcher's community. Users can add tags and comments, which are indexed.



We will provide you with Bleen as a pre-installed version on physical or virtual hardware, optimized for immediate integration into your company's IT infrastructure.

Related Solutions

The unique features of our Bleen search engine, which we will configure based on your specific needs and peculiar uses, result in highly functional and beneficial solutions for all business activities where precise and wide-ranging searches are needed, containing time and resources.

Through our Intellectual Property Management solution, we offer your legal and technical departments a highly efficient and functional way to consult national and international portals quickly and easily, helping you achieve your business goals.

Our Knowledge Management solution will make your teams efficient and quick in accessing technical and non-technical information, both internal to your company and from external sources, and extremely valuable in all areas where efficient access to information translates into gains in time and resources.

How can we empower your business?