
UniCal - Automation & DevOps

An app that safeguards user health on Italy's busiest campus

In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, academia has been challenged with limitations and new needs, chief among them being the need to provide students, faculty and staff with maximum efforts to ensure health protection in faculty premises and spaces.
The app we designed and built for UniCal, in an automation and DevOps project, effectively addresses this need, on Italy's largest campus, by offering easy use, practical functionality and great accuracy in tracking contacts and reporting positives.

UniCal, the University of Calabria, is based in Rende, in the province of Cosenza. Founded in 1972, the academic institution is one of the youngest in Italy, but in less than 50 years of operation it has earned a solid reputation in education and research and boasts more than 275,000 students enrolled in its educational tracks.
It is precisely scientific research that constitutes the flagship of UniCal, which has established several research centers dedicated to different areas of knowledge, including biology, chemistry, economics, engineering, medicine, political and social sciences.


Combining ease of use with functionality to ensure security

UniCal's campus is the largest in Italy, attended daily by more than 25,000 people, including students, faculty and staff of the institution. Faced with the resumption of on-campus activities after the period of restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, UniCal felt the need for a reliable, user-friendly and highly efficient tool that would ensure compliance with anti-contagious regulations and allow, in the event of a positive report, to contain the spread of the virus through precise contact tracing.


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