In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, academia has been challenged with limitations and new needs, chief among them being the need to provide students, faculty and staff with maximum efforts to ensure health protection in faculty premises and spaces.
The app we designed and built for UniCal, in an automation and DevOps project, effectively addresses this need, on Italy's largest campus, by offering easy use, practical functionality and great accuracy in tracking contacts and reporting positives.
UniCal's campus is the largest in Italy, attended daily by more than 25,000 people, including students, faculty and staff of the institution. Faced with the resumption of on-campus activities after the period of restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, UniCal felt the need for a reliable, user-friendly and highly efficient tool that would ensure compliance with anti-contagious regulations and allow, in the event of a positive report, to contain the spread of the virus through precise contact tracing.
In order to equip UniCal with a tool that was effective in contact tracing, but was also very simple so as to ensure widespread, everyday use, we designed and developed the Smart Campus app, a true platform dedicated to classroom and facility access monitoring and contact tracing and available in web-app and mobile app versions.
Smart Campus' features are not limited to tracking movements and contacts, but allow students to view information on classrooms used for educational activities, detailing total and, in pandemic time, reduced capacity. The app also shows, in real time, the availability of seats and allows students to reserve their place to attend classes of interest by choosing from within the list of courses in the app's menu. An automatic message tells students the status of the reservation: confirmed, pending confirmation, declined.
The only action required of students is to check in and check out via the app by scanning QR codes placed near entrances and inside classrooms to properly record attendance at classes.
Smart Campus' anti-contagious system is very accurate and records movements, dwell times, and proximity between people. In case of positivity, the app itself automatically sends an alert to those responsible indicating the names of potential infected people.
The use of Smart Campus has enabled students, professors and administrative staff to experience a safer and more peaceful return to normal university activities, and the app's automation procedures have enabled timely tracking of possible contagions, ensuring that consequences are contained.