In an increasingly connected and interconnected world, technology is finding new forms and ways to re-shape and improve our daily activities, offering us greater quality, safety, convenience and sustainability. One area where the near future promises to offer us innovative solutions is certainly that of mobility, public and private.
On this theme, Senelec invited us to an exciting software engineering challenge aimed at perfecting the communication between vehicles and infrastructure to bring to life a new way of experiencing mobility.
Sinelec expressed to us the need for a sophisticated system that would enable efficient management of road infrastructure, through:
We began our collaboration with Sinelec with synergistic work on the development of their proprietary EMERAS platform, deputed for road infrastructure management.
We are also collaborating with their development team in the realization of a V2X - veicol-2(to)-X automated communication system: this solution will enable the exchange of information between RSUs (Road Side Units) and OBUs (On Board Units) of vehicles, handling any communication protocol (DSRC/ITS-G5 or 4G/5G).
To equip the system with a suitable back-end to ensure the necessary performance and stability, we identified a back-end on Kubernetes clusters as the best solution. Finally, we are integrating the system with roadside ITS devices to make real-time two-way interconnection between vehicles and infrastructure possible and reliable.
Together with Sinelec, we are laying the foundations in Italy for the future of connected, safer and energy-efficient mobility and protection, thanks to the independence from wireless communication standards guaranteed by EMERAS, the present and future investments of road operators in smart mobility.
*Image Credits: © 2024 SINELEC S.p.A.