
POLI.Design - Automation & DevOps

A digital interaction enhancement and co-design project

Communication between institution and students and the ability to make registrations, applications and payments on the digital platform is a centerpiece of an educational institution's efficiency, particularly when the latter is POLI.Design, that is, an aggregate of resources, skills, facilities and laboratories among the most important in the world, connected to the Politecnico di Milano, with a headquarters, several laboratories, connections with realities around the world and thousands of users.
That is why, when it came to designing, according to automation and DevOps logics, a platform that would allow for engaging communication and easy use by all people related to the organization and enable paperwork management tools, we worked following goals of functionality, UI/UX design, interaction and integration.

POLI.Design is the post-graduate school in Design of the Politecnico di Milano, Italy's first and leading technical university, and plays a role in complementing the curricular paths of the School of Design, offering professionally focused training and effective placement in the many fields.

The important connection with companies, organizations, institutions and the professional world in general, in fact, represents one of the cornerstones that have made POLI.Design since 1999 one of the international benchmarks for postgraduate education.

In addition to training programs, POLI.Design is involved in research and development projects and collaborates with companies and institutions to develop innovative and advanced solutions in the field of design.



An effective tool for communication and practice management

POLI.Design communicated to us the need to develop an all-in-one platform that would serve as a privileged meeting place between the institution and the people who gravitate around it, particularly students, and that would allow information to be conveyed in an engaging and effective way. It was the organization's desire that the platform also fulfill bureaucratic tasks, allowing students to apply and register for courses and pay for activities.


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