
Folli Follie - Single Customer View

Single Customer View: 2.0 customer knowledge

By carrying out an efficient and automated process of integrating and homogenizing data from business tools, aimed at defining a clear, up-to-date and usable Single Customer View, we accompanied Folli Follie on the path of improving the customer experience offered on on and off-line channels, enabling the company to trigger growth in sales performance.

Folli Follie is a prestigious multibrand retailer in the fashion sector. Born in the 1970s from the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of the Galli couple, it boasts stores in Mantua, Brescia, Verona, Bologna and Riccione. Each store is a true high-fashion boutique where there is a refined selection of clothing and accessories from the most important luxury brands and where professionalism and customer care are the rule. Today Folli Follie is also present online with the e-commerce "TheDoubleF," which re-proposes in a digital key the attention to the customer and the accuracy in the display of products that distinguish the physical Folli Follie stores.



Improved experience, improved income

Folli Follie wanted to exploit the opportunities of digital technology to improve the customer experience and grow the profitability of sales channels, emphasizing customer centricity and offering customers an online experience of the same value as the one they had in store. It was therefore necessary to regain governance of the company's data, which comes from different touchpoints (website, social profiles, e-commerce, store, newsletter, etc.) and has always been stored in heterogeneous formats that do not communicate with each other. In addition, the introduction of GDPR made it imperative to update customers' personal data to avoid database leakage.


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