
Carrara - Enterprise Resource Planning

From the limits of custom to the versatility of a high-performance platform

We guided Carrara in the identification and implementation of a new management system, leveraging the capabilities of SAP Business One to benefit every operational area of the company.

Carrara is a leading Italian company in the production and processing of advanced materials. With an unwavering commitment to innovation and sustainability, Carrara stands out for its ability to offer high-quality solutions that meet the specific needs of its customers. The diversification of the product portfolio and the wide range of applications in different industries, such as construction, furniture and technology, make it a benchmark in the market.



Getting out of the limitations of a system without evolutionary possibilities

Carrara felt the need to move away from a custom management system in favor of a more standardized and international solution. This transition was driven by the desire to ensure greater business continuity and the possibility of future upgrades, key elements in keeping the company competitive in a rapidly changing market. The pre-existing customized system, in fact, built to meet the company's initial needs, had limitations in terms of scalability and integration with new technologies.


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