
ENPAM - Application Modernization

Transforming process and systems management: the success of Application Modernization

We helped ENPAM meet the challenges of managing a set of complex software applications that required specialized expertise not available within the Foundation.

ENPAM (Ente Nazionale di Previdenza ed Assistenza dei Medici e degli Odontoiatri) Foundation has a rich history in the field of health insurance and assistance in Italy. Its commitment is reflected in the many initiatives and services it offers, including pensions, contributions, accident and sickness assistance, and support for doctors and dentists in Italy and abroad. ENPAM is a point of reference in the sector, supporting medical and dental professionals with a wide range of resources and dedicated services.



Meeting the challenges of complex software management

ENPAM was faced with the challenge of managing a number of complex software applications that required specialized skills that were not available internally. The Foundation was therefore looking for a reliable partner for technical collaboration, while at the same time feeling the urgency to implement a new internal working method to optimize processes and increase efficiency.


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