
Alisea - Computer Vision for Quality

A technology solution that improves service quality and resource management

The healthiness of environments where air distribution, purification, and treatment systems are present also depends on the control and cleanliness of ducts. To increase the quality of Alisea's service and enable optimal management of interventions, we supported the company in the development of Remotair®, a system that combines Machine Learning and IoT capabilities, taking duct video-analysis activities to the next level.


Alisea is the leading company in Italy for the hygienic management of ventilation systems, the periodic and extraordinary verification of the state of the air-carrying ducts, the maintenance of systems and ducts, and the resolution of any problems arising from chemical, physical and microbiological pollution.
The company's service quality is based on a proven method and an aptitude for applying new and more efficient technologies.




An innovative platform to optimize interventions and outcomes

Alisea involved us in the design and development of a solution to effectively monitor the status of ventilation ducts, through video-analysis systems that did not require the presence of a human operator in the area, to address the need to provide the company's customers with a more effective, safe and timely service and, at the same time, improve the management of technical interventions while optimizing results and resources.


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