Business Intelligence - Neosperience

Business Intelligence

We help you tap into the tactical and strategical value of your data

Competitiveness is the result of a process of continuous operational improvement based on accurate and reliable information. Our Business Intelligence service helps you effectively digitize your management and control processes, providing you with aggregated, usable, integrated data through a tool that gathers information from all business sources and makes it accessible and analyzable in real time.

More informed, data-driven decisions

For several years now, we have been talking about data-driven strategies, or big data and small data analytics. Organizations in all industries and of all sizes are realizing the role that accurate and reliable information plays in enabling them to develop effective strategies, provide concrete answers, and achieve results in the short, medium, and long term. In a highly digital age, organizations are sitting on impressive amounts of data. However, this valuable information is often scattered across disparate and non-communicating technology and software containers, such as management systems, Excel spreadsheets, and maintenance management applications.
The result is an unexpressed wealth of data that is inaccessible and unintelligible. Hence the need for a Business Intelligence platform, possibly equipped with AI, that performs a targeted digitization of data, collecting it from the various sources, sorting it, integrating it, and making it accessible and truly usable.

Business Intelligence - Neosperience


We tailor Business Intelligence platforms for your company

Our Business Intelligence solutions are designed to give you all the benefits of having a constant and accurate view of the data and information coming from different parts of your business, so that you can refine strategic decisions and optimize each process. As a first step, we will carefully analyze the different types of data generated in your operations to design a platform that addresses your company's specific needs and opportunities. We will then develop a comprehensive solution that uses Artificial Intelligence to organize and integrate all your data, provide answers and guidance to support all your management and control processes, and resolve all related issues:

  • Predictive Process Monitoring;
  • Simulation and scenario creation;
  • ETL;
  • Data Consolidation;
  • Data Warehouse.



Together, we'll find the best fit for your company.


Effective data management brings multiple benefits

The Business Intelligence platform, designed for your company, offers unparalleled efficiency, enabling you to enjoy the benefit of clear, talking data. Our solution will accompany you to achieve valuable results:

Integrazione dei Dati

Data Integration

All your data will be sorted and integrated into an AI-powered platform.

Risposte Precise

Precise Answers

You will accurately measure revenues, costs, margins and product turnover.

Analisi delle Vendite

Sales Analysis

You will effectively analyze the performance of your sales network.

Stime Affidabili

Reliable Estimates

You will make more accurate and useful estimates for budgeting and forecasting.

Riduzione dei Costi

Cost Reduction

You will decrease the cost of managing merchandise stocks analyzing the warehouse.

Miglior Efficientamento

Better Efficiency

You will analyze in detail the costs resulting from scrap and castings and design improvement actions.

Report Analitici

Analytical Reports

You will be able to generate reports for scheduled comparison with your salespeople and agents.

Gestione Consapevole

Conscious Management

You will exercise advanced management control not possible with traditional management and tools.

How can we empower your business?