Siti Web B2B2C

B2B2C Websites

We connect you with your audience and your retailers

For B2B2C companies, it is crucial to have an effective and consistent dialogue with your audience while enhancing the role of your retailers. The websites we build for B2B2C are designed to offer a privileged and direct channel to promote your brand to your buyers and a lead generation tool to support your partners' sales and distribution efforts in the territory.

Active brand presence and vendor efficiency

Today, communication is more than ever about interaction and frequency – two defining attributes of digital channels, those most used by the public to get in touch with their favorite brands and, vice versa, by brands to reach their customers and leads and engage them directly. Creating a relationship that is not merely commercial yet, thanks to the involvement and work of retailers, culminates in the purchase phase.
In this context, the importance of having websites aimed both at the final target, which requires dedicated content and information, and at its retailers, with marketing actions and tools to support the daily activity of displaying, distributing and selling products, is evident. The website is therefore the real point of contact between these three players. 


Your website connects brands, users, and retailers

In order to respond in the most effective and functional way to the need for a B2B2C site that maximizes the benefits for all actors involved, we rely on the advanced features of our Rubin Red platform, highly customizable based on the specific needs of your company and your market, and the expertise of our technical and digital marketing team. With this approach, we will create for you a highly strategic and advanced, easy-to-manage website that will allow you to upload diverse content for users and for your resellers, provide a rewarding user experience for the end customer and meet the needs of resellers to be able to have dedicated tools and technical or promotional material.
The additional benefit will be the role your company will maintain vis-à-vis the market, safeguarding its positioning and exerting full control over the type and quality of messages and values conveyed.

Siti Web B2B2C

A tool designed according to win-win-win logic

We know how important it is to communicate in the right way to your customers, and how crucial it is to consistently and efficiently support retailers in their operations. That's why our dedicated B2B2C business sites offer benefits to all users, including:

  • improved customer experience: targeted content and functionality ensure a more satisfying experience and longer-lasting customer relationships, whether with an end buyer or a retailer;
  • personalization: diversifying the user experience according to the user's type helps deliver truly relevant information and targeted special offers, increasing conversion and retention rates;
  • operational efficiency: tools designed for retailers streamline day-to-day operations, as well as order and customer management, aiding retailers in accessing specific pricing and availability or customized orders and strengthening collaboration with your company;
  • better control: by directly managing communication on the site, you have control over message quality, consistency with brand values, and can protect your company's reputation and market positioning;
  • data collection and analysis thanks to the site's ability to capture information on customer behaviors and preferences, you can concretely refine sales and marketing strategies;
  • sales network support: you will support and empower your retailers, providing them with marketing materials, technical documentation and training resources, thus improving their sales performance;
  • international expansion: thanks to the features of our solutions, you will be able to operate in different markets and countries, with multi-language content and tools specific to the needs of each territory;
  • increased online visibility:our solutions are SEO-oriented, to help you refine your online presence, attracting organic traffic and potential customers to your site;
  • direct communication:having a direct communication channel with your audience will allow you to share news, updates and offers in real time;
  • reduced operating costs: tools and information to support your retailers will help make customer contact more efficient and thus reduce operating costs;
  • easy management: thanks to the intuitive content management system, your team will not need any special technical expertise and will be totally autonomous in uploading and updating any content;
  • full integration: you will also be facilitated in the daily management of the site: our technicians will integrate it with your business systems and management platforms;
  • effective forecasting: thanks to AI-powered analysis of browsing and customer choice data, you can easily predict trends and preferences and finalize data-driven business strategies.


Together, we'll find the best fit for your company.


Quality solution performance, quality partner benefits

Our B2B2C business solutions not only offer advanced functionality and high quality in design and user experience, but also provide important extra benefits, such as:


Lead Generation

Through thoughtful design and attention to SEO, your site will generate leads and encourage conversion in your target markets.


High Customization

We will tailor your site, customizing front-end and back-end, based on your specific needs.


Cloud and Support

We will support you with our support service and hosting on our Cloud, offering high performance and maximum security.


Full Integration

We will achieve complete integration of your B2B2C site with your business applications and systems.

Success Stories

Applying our solution for B2B2C Websites

We carried out this solution to organizations of different sizes and industries, supporting their specific needs and helping them achieve important goals. Discover some applications in the following success stories:

NSP-24_Case Histories_Digital Business_Veneta Cucine - Siti Web B2B2C
B2B2C Websites
Website and digital marketing to cement Veneta Cucine's role We accompanied Veneta Cucine in its construction of an...
NSP-24_Case Histories_Digital Business_Haier - Siti web B2B2C
B2B2C Websites
From site re-design to content strategy: quality tools for B2B2C Through careful identification of the desires of...

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