Rubin Red - Neosperience

Rubin Red

Rubin Red is Neosperience's unique platform: it is extremely versatile, designed to meet diverse and sophisticated needs, and comes with advanced features.

Thanks to Rubin Red's innovative technology we can enhance your company's digital presence and activities, provide you with tools tailored to your goals, and create engaging and personalized experiences for your users, leveraging Omnichannel Digital Business, also through a PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) model.

Now more than ever, effective and customized digital tools are essential

Today, the Web is the main operating territory for any type of organization, whether B2B or B2C, national or international, product or service. Therefore, it is no longer possible to only talk about online presence: it is necessary to implement a real Digital Business strategy, through data-driven logics and evolved tools that represent a complete and effective solution to all brand needs. It is essential, in other words, to overcome the limitations of traditional websites and e-commerce, ensuring the company the freedom to benefit from a complete customization of the areas and functionalities of its digital tools and facilitating operations of business teams.

Neosperience - Rubin Red


Rubin Red is the platform that ensures high performance for your Digital Business

Rubin Red is the Digital Business Platform designed to build web applications of all types and complexities, from corporate websites to e-commerce with large databases, from web-apps to reseller interaction solutions, offering you the ultimate in technology, total customization, complete integrability with enterprise systems and easy management.

Equipped with advanced functionality, Rubin Red stands out as a one-of-a-kind solution in terms of quality and features:

  • easily adapts to your business strategies, allowing unconstrained definition of workflows and operational management;
  • guarantees ease of use: your team will be able to take advantage of the different functionalities without specific skills;
  • is designed to offer users a rewarding experience: the interface is intuitive and user-friendly, aimed at engaging and retaining your customers;
  • offers a very high level of profiling: it allows you to offer each user products and content profiled according to their preferences and purchase behavior, thanks to advanced segmentation tools and data analysis, enhancing engagement and increasing the likelihood of conversion;
  • is flexible and scalable: its robust and versatile architecture allows it to react promptly to business needs and market inputs, expanding platform functionality or integrating third-party applications;
  • it is agile and fast: its modularity offers the advantage of being able to apply Rubin Red to business needs very quickly and increase modules and functionality over time;
  • is predisposed for digital marketing activities: it is the perfect tool to use as the basis for all online actions, from landing pages to social adv;
  • guarantees maximum security: it is extremely safe and secure from cyber attacks and intrusion attempts, thanks to constant research and development, proprietary source code, dedicated hosting, precise access management and automatic update service.


The all-in-one solution for optimizing digital presence and activities

Rubin Red's capabilities allow us to support your company's every digital need, ensuring fast, tangible results and steady growth on the Web, starting with optimizing your presence and ending with the most sophisticated digital marketing activities.


Business Oriented

With Rubin Red building sites and e-commerce, taking full advantage of web opportunities gets fast and highly scalable.

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Fully Integrated

Rubin Red is fully integrated with your business systems and external services such as banking gateways, advanced search tools, email marketing tools.


Fully Customizable

Rubin Red allows you to customize every section, from the graphic design of pages to functionality to the back-end, without constraints or limits.


Secure & Up to date

Rubin Red is a "managed" platform, requiring no security or plugin updates or monitoring activities.

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Advanced Platform

Rubin Red is built according to a modular structure and takes advantage of the Neosperience Cloud, which provides high standards of security, speed and flexibility.


Independent Evolution

Rubin Red can evolve rapidly, through changes and integrations, responding to needs and strategies, without the need to wait for centralized releases and/or patches.

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Modularity By-Design

Using a scalable development approach, Rubin Red can easily integrate or vary new marketing tools or features in line with your business.

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Rubin Red offers you all the benefits of PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) model, which ensures that you always have an up-to-date and efficient tool.


Empathic technology, crafted to boost your business


B2B2C Websites

Website and digital marketing to cement Veneta Cucine's role

We accompanied Veneta Cucine in its construction of an effective online presence through a real digital transformation, which started with the design of the new site and continued with the use of all the most performing B2B and B2C digital marketing tools. An operation that has led the Venetian company to become a reference in the sector on a national and international scale.

Related solutions

E-Commerce Solutions

We will provide you with a comprehensive e-commerce solution that is effective in lead acquisition and customer retention, reserving a number of benefits, including ease of management, integration with your business systems, low cost, and the ability to benefit from effective online marketing activities.

How can we empower your business?